Get Involved

You can make a difference

You can make a difference in the lives of people and families living with cancer by supporting Cancer Services. We rely on donors, sponsors, volunteers, and community advocates to help our Gaston County neighbors when they need it the most.


Join us in advocating for a healthier future and a stronger community.


All donations help Gaston County residents living with cancer.


Give your time to make a difference in your community.

Donations stay local

Support your neighbor, friend, or family member in Gaston County with a donation to Cancer Services. Each donation directly benefits local Gaston County residents living with cancer.

Every donation makes a difference

  • $50 pays for one case of liquid nutrition.
  • $100 pays for transportation for a round trip to treatment.
  • $200 pays for a mastectomy bra and prosthesis.
  • $300 fulfills a special need such as rent or a utility bill.

Help Educate and Support Our Community

You can help our community learn more about Cancer Services and understand the hardship that individuals and families living with cancer face every day.

  • Host an event
  • Educate your employees or organization
  • Speak to local community groups

We offer many different volunteer opportunities and we are flexible with your time commitment.

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